Welcome to the submission page for the Celebration of Student Scholarship
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 in ADUC

Use this website to submit abstracts for the 2025 Celebration of Student Scholarship. The deadline for submission of abstracts is Friday, March 14, 2025 by 4:30 PM. In addition to independent research projects, we welcome submissions that reflect experiences of undergraduate research, community engagement, internships, education abroad or Level UP experiences. 

Please note when submitting an abstract there is a limit of no more than 200 characters for the title.  The body of the abstract is limited to 250 words. There is a counter at the bottom of the abstract window.  If the word count is greater than 250 the abstract will not be submitted.

Students - Click on the Submit An Abstract button at the bottom of this page.  You will need to complete each section of the submission form.  Once complete, you will be prompted to submit the abstract.  Once submitted your faculty mentor will receive an email asking them to review and approve your submission.  You will receive an email to let you know when your submission has been approved.  If you collected data from human participants you must include the IRB Protocol number at the end of the abstract.  If you collected data from non-human participants you must include the IACUC Protocol number at the end of the abstract. The cut-off date for IRB or IACUC approval is Monday, February 3. Failure to do so will result in your abstract being rejected.

Mentors – You will receive an email that a student abstract has been submitted for your review.  The email will contain the link so you can review, make appropriate changes, approve, and submit the abstract through the electronic Abstract Submission form website.  Mentors have until Wednesday, March 26 by 4:30 PM to approve the abstract.

Helpful links:

Information about abstract length and content:  https://www.moreheadstate.edu/academics/undergraduate-research/celebration-of-student-scholarship

Information about printing posters: https://research.moreheadstate.edu/posters/Printing. The deadline for poster submissions is Friday, April 4 by 4:30 PM. 

More information?  Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at ugresearch@moreheadstate.edu or call 783-2229. 

Celebration of Student Scholarship Planning Committee Members:  
Megan Boone, Dr. Katy Carlson, Janet Cline, Dr. Shannon Harr, Alexis Mathews, Dr. Anindita Paul and Andrew Sexton. 

Submit An Abstract